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Creator of

WEnglish for WEquality™

Vivian Probst is a linguist, national speaker, and award-winning

novelist who, after twenty years of impatiently waiting for details to

develop, is releasing her four-book fantasy series, ‘The Avery Victoria

Spencer Fables’. 


Why twenty years? Probst’s linguistic background influenced her to write

her fictional series in both regular English and an inclusive style she calls

‘WEnglish for WEquality’, based on her insight that English is highly masculine

and needs some words for those of us who aren’t men. 


The main character in her series first appeared in a dream in 2000, as Probst dealt with a life issue that she couldn't resolve. The plot led to a fictitiously entertaining, yet very real, solution. As other issues materialized; she continued to unearth brilliant discoveries through writing these stories.  


Probst is happily remarried and lives with her second husband on an island in Wisconsin, not far from their twelve grandchildren whose names appear in characters in her stories.

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